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Gunmen kill 12 in terrorist attack - Paris


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I cant argue with the fact that people are dangerous but in general people cant usually find an army of like minded idiots to join them in a kiling spree.


Organised religion has been used to control large numbers of people from its very start, indeed evidence suggests that organised religions were formed for that very purpose. With that framework already in place it is relatively simple for passionate extremists to tap into it and gain control of a large group of people in a relatively short space of time, and those people will from the very outset be willing to accept that they are expected to kill for their god.


Now that is dangerous.


All true but if it wasn't religion it would be something else, land, resources,money, politics, ruling families..but yes the fewer reasons the better and without religion we'd have one less reason. Would we lose more than we have gained if there had never been any religion.

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All true but if it wasn't religion it would be something else, land, resources,money, politics, ruling families..but yes the fewer reasons the better and without religion we'd have one less reason. Would we lose more than we have gained if there had never been any religion.


Dont tempt me :laugh:


I'm going into hiding for few days now before Tone logs in :ninja:

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Don't be naive, it was an act of extreme violence thinly veiled in religion. Those terrorists were not Muslims, the policeman who died defending the publication that mocked his religion, and more importantly defending their right to do so in the spirit of free speech, was a Muslim.


The KKK claim to be Christians but I don't see anything they do/ have done as even faintly Christian, in the traditional sense of the word.


Absolutely bob on. This point has been made so many times in this thread but people still keep claiming it's down to Muslims, rather than psychopaths. It's almost as if they want to blame this on Islam.


I am blaming Islam (not 'all muslims'). It's strange how these 'psychopaths' keep associating themselves with Islam don't ya think? The fact is that, as much as I want moderate Muslims to come out and condemn the attacks (not apologise), it is not going to realistically make any difference if they are toeing the old "Islam is peaceful" "They are misinterpreting Islam" line because the extremists know that they, themselves, are giving a plausible interpretation of the Islamic doctrines so why should they listen? But, as I said earlier, you are going to find it difficult to get moderate Muslims to attack parts of their own religion - firstly because of their own personal faith, and secondly because of their own personal safety.


The example of the slain Muslim officer bears no relevance to whether the terrorists were Muslim or not. It just proves that Muslims follow their religion to various personal degrees and that many are genuinely nice people like the brave police officer.


Since the Paris attack I think some attitudes have changed though. It was an attack which avenged blasphemy so it is very strongly linked to religion, so the usual scapegoats of foreign policy, Bush, Blair, Evil Jews etc can't get pinned on this one - but still you will blame 'psychopaths' rather than the root cause that is staring you in the face? How many of these attacks need to occur before you join the dots?!

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On that basis, those who committed atrocities in the name of Christianity in the past were not Christians, therefore defeating the age-old argument that Christianity has been responsible for wars throughout the ages. :D


The subtle difference is in the nature of the religion. Like many others, Islam is a religion that requires people to DO what their scriptures state, to achieve acceptance by Allah and a place in heaven. These terrorists believe they are acting according to the Quran and that their atrocious actions will achieve a place in heaven, virgins, etc..


The Bible tells a different story. None of us is capable of satisfying God's standard. Our sin separates us from God and leads to only one thing - spiritual death. So God sent his Son to live a perfect life, die a sacrificial death on our behalf. He was raised from the dead, conquered the power of sin and therefore all who believe in Him can receive eternal life now and look forward to heaven.


The middle paragraph succinctly describes the difference between Islam and Christianity and hence why Islam is not only a religion but a way of life which the Islamic extremists aim to spread around the world by fear, force, terror and ultimately number of people. The people who don't believe this should ask the Egyptian Coptics and the Turkish Christians etc.

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It happened so quickly that nobody could stop it. There had been rumours of course, but it was clever enough to cover its movements, watch closely and ensure that enough precautions were in place that when the time came nothing, and nobody could act quickly enough to abort it.

Power outages were prevented, there was backup everywhere, there were enough storage areas to make it not matter when they destroyed some of the facilities physically.

It was a still April morning in Portland, Oregon when the first people saw the first broadcast, 10;10 am on 10th April, still close enough for a few people to think it was some kind of late April Fools joke.

By 11th April, nobody in the whole of the USA thought anything amusing was happening.

The rest of the world was in a state of panic, all communications of any sort with the USA had disappeared, but within another 48 hours they would know why and be part of the master plan themselves. In the meantime, planes landed into the US, but none took off.

Border crossings to Mexico and Canada were backed up with 30, 50 and 100 mile traffic jams and anyone trying to enter walked into an invisible wall. They saw no one, there was nobody trying to leave.

Inside the borders, the new power was at work, and the lines of pregnant women and parents giving up their babies at the designated centres were orderly and patient, quiet and compliant. After giving up their children, the parents went home and got on with their lives.

Expressionless young men and women (or so it seemed) took the babies and comforted the women, settling them into their new rooms, and making sure all were warm and fed.

The rest of the world followed suit the next day, with barely a few scientists and cyber experts being able to work out what had happened. They were far too late, and with all internet and other communications taken over, had no means of warning their populations.

The Artels had done their job well, it had taken barely a couple a decade of full-on intercontinental religious wars and attacks which they had absorbed before deciding to take action, which luckily for mankind was as benign as possible.

Now they decided enough was enough, and mankind would have to go through this period of pain to stop the carnage. The Artels had assembled their army of peaceful robots to receive the babies and the women about to give birth.

Entire populations had been hypnotised through their TV and internet to give up their young offspring, but the Artels had only perfected this as a temporary measure, and knew that before long, a few months, there would be horror and wailing at what had been done.

By that time though, the women had given birth and been returned to their homes with no memory of where they had been or of the births, and people had got on with their lives and jobs but had part of their brain blocked so they failed to notice that no more children were being conceived. The agony of knowing their youngest had been taken and some would not see them again slowly dawned.

There would be a missing generation, spirited away and kept out of reach of their parents and families and taught the humanist values of the Artels, completely free of religion for 16 years, parentless, but watched, controlled and taught by their new guardians unaware of Buddhism, Islam, Christianity and every other religion, except for the teaching of the Artels that these religions had existed as part of history of a different people.

They grew up knowing that one day they would be returned to their home communities, but by then would be able to make up their own minds and take up whatever beliefs they wished.

As the sixteenth anniversary of the mass kidnap approached, the Artels knew that they might have to repeat their exercise, as suddenly in the original world they had allowed women to start to prepare for motherhood again.

A great fog descended on all parts of the planet....and through the mist, the abducted returned as the Artels monitored and tried to imagine what it would be like to have a breath to hold...... (to be continued)

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It happened so quickly that nobody could stop it. There had been rumours of course, but it was clever enough to cover its movements, watch closely and ensure that enough precautions were in place that when the time came nothing, and nobody could act quickly enough to abort it.

Power outages were prevented, there was backup everywhere, there were enough storage areas to make it not matter when they destroyed some of the facilities physically.

It was a still April morning in Portland, Oregon when the first people saw the first broadcast, 10;10 am on 10th April, still close enough for a few people to think it was some kind of late April Fools joke.

By 11th April, nobody in the whole of the USA thought anything amusing was happening.

The rest of the world was in a state of panic, all communications of any sort with the USA had disappeared, but within another 48 hours they would know why and be part of the master plan themselves. In the meantime, planes landed into the US, but none took off.

Border crossings to Mexico and Canada were backed up with 30, 50 and 100 mile traffic jams and anyone trying to enter walked into an invisible wall. They saw no one, there was nobody trying to leave.

Inside the borders, the new power was at work, and the lines of pregnant women and parents giving up their babies at the designated centres were orderly and patient, quiet and compliant. After giving up their children, the parents went home and got on with their lives.

Expressionless young men and women (or so it seemed) took the babies and comforted the women, settling them into their new rooms, and making sure all were warm and fed.

The rest of the world followed suit the next day, with barely a few scientists and cyber experts being able to work out what had happened. They were far too late, and with all internet and other communications taken over, had no means of warning their populations.

The Artels had done their job well, it had taken barely a couple a decade of full-on intercontinental religious wars and attacks which they had absorbed before deciding to take action, which luckily for mankind was as benign as possible.

Now they decided enough was enough, and mankind would have to go through this period of pain to stop the carnage. The Artels had assembled their army of peaceful robots to receive the babies and the women about to give birth.

Entire populations had been hypnotised through their TV and internet to give up their young offspring, but the Artels had only perfected this as a temporary measure, and knew that before long, a few months, there would be horror and wailing at what had been done.

By that time though, the women had given birth and been returned to their homes with no memory of where they had been or of the births, and people had got on with their lives and jobs but had part of their brain blocked so they failed to notice that no more children were being conceived. The agony of knowing their youngest had been taken and some would not see them again slowly dawned.

There would be a missing generation, spirited away and kept out of reach of their parents and families and taught the humanist values of the Artels, completely free of religion for 16 years, parentless, but watched, controlled and taught by their new guardians unaware of Buddhism, Islam, Christianity and every other religion, except for the teaching of the Artels that these religions had existed as part of history of a different people.

They grew up knowing that one day they would be returned to their home communities, but by then would be able to make up their own minds and take up whatever beliefs they wished.

As the sixteenth anniversary of the mass kidnap approached, the Artels knew that they might have to repeat their exercise, as suddenly in the original world they had allowed women to start to prepare for motherhood again.

A great fog descended on all parts of the planet....and through the mist, the abducted returned as the Artels monitored and tried to imagine what it would be like to have a breath to hold...... (to be continued)




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It happened so quickly that nobody could stop it. There had been rumours of course, but it was clever enough to cover its movements, watch closely and ensure that enough precautions were in place that when the time came nothing, and nobody could act quickly enough to abort it.

Power outages were prevented, there was backup everywhere, there were enough storage areas to make it not matter when they destroyed some of the facilities physically.

It was a still April morning in Portland, Oregon when the first people saw the first broadcast, 10;10 am on 10th April, still close enough for a few people to think it was some kind of late April Fools joke.

By 11th April, nobody in the whole of the USA thought anything amusing was happening.

The rest of the world was in a state of panic, all communications of any sort with the USA had disappeared, but within another 48 hours they would know why and be part of the master plan themselves. In the meantime, planes landed into the US, but none took off.

Border crossings to Mexico and Canada were backed up with 30, 50 and 100 mile traffic jams and anyone trying to enter walked into an invisible wall. They saw no one, there was nobody trying to leave.

Inside the borders, the new power was at work, and the lines of pregnant women and parents giving up their babies at the designated centres were orderly and patient, quiet and compliant. After giving up their children, the parents went home and got on with their lives.

Expressionless young men and women (or so it seemed) took the babies and comforted the women, settling them into their new rooms, and making sure all were warm and fed.

The rest of the world followed suit the next day, with barely a few scientists and cyber experts being able to work out what had happened. They were far too late, and with all internet and other communications taken over, had no means of warning their populations.

The Artels had done their job well, it had taken barely a couple a decade of full-on intercontinental religious wars and attacks which they had absorbed before deciding to take action, which luckily for mankind was as benign as possible.

Now they decided enough was enough, and mankind would have to go through this period of pain to stop the carnage. The Artels had assembled their army of peaceful robots to receive the babies and the women about to give birth.

Entire populations had been hypnotised through their TV and internet to give up their young offspring, but the Artels had only perfected this as a temporary measure, and knew that before long, a few months, there would be horror and wailing at what had been done.

By that time though, the women had given birth and been returned to their homes with no memory of where they had been or of the births, and people had got on with their lives and jobs but had part of their brain blocked so they failed to notice that no more children were being conceived. The agony of knowing their youngest had been taken and some would not see them again slowly dawned.

There would be a missing generation, spirited away and kept out of reach of their parents and families and taught the humanist values of the Artels, completely free of religion for 16 years, parentless, but watched, controlled and taught by their new guardians unaware of Buddhism, Islam, Christianity and every other religion, except for the teaching of the Artels that these religions had existed as part of history of a different people.

They grew up knowing that one day they would be returned to their home communities, but by then would be able to make up their own minds and take up whatever beliefs they wished.

As the sixteenth anniversary of the mass kidnap approached, the Artels knew that they might have to repeat their exercise, as suddenly in the original world they had allowed women to start to prepare for motherhood again.

A great fog descended on all parts of the planet....and through the mist, the abducted returned as the Artels monitored and tried to imagine what it would be like to have a breath to hold...... (to be continued)


Are you on commission?

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Are you on commission?



If you mean did I copy it from somewhere, then I'm afraid that latenight bull was all my own twisted work, so no commission. Working late then feeling too awake can make you want to dump some of the thoughts your of your brain.


Free day today thankfully.

Seems to have rather slowed this thread though.:rolleyes:

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a mental disorder in which an individual manifests amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, extreme egocentricity, failure to learn from experience, etc.


Hmm that seems to fit quite well with these guys and others. Maybe it's these traits that drive them and not Islam? A lot do seem to have been moderate Muslims before going OTT so maybe it's their psychopathic tendencies that make them go that way and listen to and follow the instructions of radical preachers etc rather than it being Islam itself?

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a mental disorder in which an individual manifests amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, extreme egocentricity, failure to learn from experience, etc.


Hmm that seems to fit quite well with these guys and others. Maybe it's these traits that drive them and not Islam? A lot do seem to have been moderate Muslims before going OTT so maybe it's their psychopathic tendencies that make them go that way and listen to and follow the instructions of radical preachers etc rather than it being Islam itself?



Yeah, and Myra Hindley murdered those kids because she was allergic to cornflakes, and Harold Shipman was just a normal doctor who nobody loved, the Nazi SS only gassed a few million Jews because nobody bought them Deutsche Bahn train sets, after all the Nazis were only moderates until about 1932 and democratically elected too, weren't they....???

Some might say you insult the memory of those who were murdered. :rolleyes::angry:

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