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The Case for the Current PVFC Board


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They would have to more than 50% cheaper for that theory to work!


Sadly, once again, this thread has shown no reason for the board to stay, excpet unfounded rumours about Mo.


Knowing the small minded mentality of some people in the potteries (and I am not accussing anyone in particular here), I have to wonder if he would be better recieved if his name was Clarke, not Chaudry. If that is the case, then a think a few people need to realise it's 2011, not 1811


Racism has nothing to do with it in most cases, I for one am very dubious about Choudry, reminds me in character all be it quite a lot richer than one Billl Bell.

I personally totally want the board out but feel a lot of the comments and slagging them off are sometimes uncalled for and OTT. I am against SEO but won't criticise someone who makes that choice, I feel it is not something that is going to get resolved quickly but feel diplomatic ways and protesting peacefully is the way to push them out, and I feel we have gone a long way in getting rid of Meigh and especially Jackson and am hoping we might see a few improvements this season behind the seasons along with Simms joining the board.

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Racism has nothing to do with it in most cases, I for one am very dubious about Choudry, reminds me in character all be it quite a lot richer than one Billl Bell.

I personally totally want the board out but feel a lot of the comments and slagging them off are sometimes uncalled for and OTT. I am against SEO but won't criticise someone who makes that choice, I feel it is not something that is going to get resolved quickly but feel diplomatic ways and protesting peacefully is the way to push them out, and I feel we have gone a long way in getting rid of Meigh and especially Jackson and am hoping we might see a few improvements this season behind the seasons along with Simms joining the board.


I personally consider Bratt to be far more of a problem than Jackson. PJ at least had the good sense to keep his gob shut, an error BB has made over and over again. I also believe that that Bratt is far more powerful than we presumed, much more so than Jackson- for a start, who still has his feet under the table?

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I personally consider Bratt to be far more of a problem than Jackson. PJ at least had the good sense to keep his gob shut, an error BB has made over and over again. I also believe that that Bratt is far more powerful than we presumed, much more so than Jackson- for a start, who still has his feet under the table?


I feel Bratt was and probably still is a puppet for Jackson, I'm sure Jackson is still pulling the strings. I honestly feel Bratt did love the club and may still do all be it he has turned blind from it but Jackson only loves himself. Hopefully with getting Simms upstairs he can tell Jackson to **** off if he shows his face.

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There's the fact that we've had 8 years of football at Vale Park which in 2003 we were far from taking for granted when we were in Administration. I believe the board to have been somewhat inept and inexperienced with running football clubs but all this about them being crooks and attacks on their personality is just too much. It really disappoints me to read some of the things I read about Bratt.


Also, so I do agree that we hired terrible Managers for a while which made for poor team performance, less fans, further budget cuts etc, but this was a lesson finally learned with the appointment of Micky Adams. Even Jim Gannon was an experienced candidate and a lot of fans were pleased with his appointment at the time, and they nor the board could have foreseen his tenure being so disastrous.


So, then we come to the current predicament, where as usual there is 'investors' sniffing around the club, just like Harlequin, Paladini, the X, Y and Z Consortium. Are we really sure that Chaudry and/or Mark Sims can make a success of a notoriously skint football club?


Personally, I'm not necessarily pro-board but I empathise with them, the time and money they've put in to the club over the years. I do feel that they're inexperienced and sometimes inept in this industry, they've been guilty of a lack of transparency and are often too slow to take the changes which we can all see need to me made. For instants, they took too long to learn the significance of a proven and experienced Manager.


So, I do agree change is necessary but a complete overhaul could be disastrous. The Starve 'Em Out Campaign seems to me to be not very well thought through. Its like... "lets get rid of the board and then, err, see what happens."


The fact is no one really knows what Chaudry's genuine interests are and no one really know what he's thinking at the moment. It would seem to me he's given up interest. As for Mark Sims, whats his game? He seems to me to be more than a trouble maker than anything, he's yet to do anything productive for Port Vale, he's put no money on the table, yet consistently stirs things up in the media, getting all the Starve 'Em Out crowd even higher on their horses.


Basically, its a complicated and fragile situation. That is why I think Starve 'Em Out is the wrong way to go about things. Starve 'Em out if successful would bring the complete overhaul, and with that I really don't know where we'd go to next. If Chaudry became Chairman tomorrow, how long until you're all standing outside the club calling for his head?


Maybe football fans should just stick to being football fans sometimes and leave the politics to those who know what they're doing. There really is too many 'fans' who just have no idea what they are talking about. They have sided with Starve 'Em Out but ask them what would happen if the board packed in tomorrow and they wouldn't know where to start with their answer.



Hmmm - couple of major things there to argue with. I'm quite offended by your suggestion that we should "leave the politics to those who know what they are doing" - that, to me, sounds very similar to the views that we ought to defer to our "betters" because we don't know enough, being underlings. I think there are quite a few folk here who know enough about both business and politics, while still being football fans, to be in a position to challenge what's going on.


I can remember the hand to mouth existence of the club when V2001 first took over, and it was understandable then, because no-one had any experience of running a football club, they relied on support from volunteers and others - and then, when it came to the crunch, stabbed key members of the group in the back to take control.

What is NOT understandable, and is much less forgivable, is that they STILL seem to be living hand to mouth and seem to have no idea of how to take the club forward. After 8 years, you would have thought they'd have learnt something. Overall, they don't seem to have a credible plan beyond survival - and turn away investment that threatens their world view - simply because it does.


The second point I think you are very wrong about is about Mark Sims. He HAS put money into the club through sponsorship - quite significant amounts too. Much more than Jackson or Bratt, as it understand it, but NOT in the purchase of shares. He did offer, and offered to buy a significant amount, but it was pointed out to him gently by that nice Mr Bratt that because he wanted to play with the naughty boy Mr Chaudry, that his money wasn't good enough. I think you need to get your facts right before you make comments like that.


Other than that, at least an intelligent debate going on...

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I personally consider Bratt to be far more of a problem than Jackson. PJ at least had the good sense to keep his gob shut, an error BB has made over and over again. I also believe that that Bratt is far more powerful than we presumed, much more so than Jackson- for a start, who still has his feet under the table?


Here Here

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The current board are showing themselves to be tactically more astute than their opponents - outwitted Chaudry.


Just depends on how you define outwitting,imo it was more by devious means than anything else.


I define V2001's tenure like this - 8 years of going backwards.

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It seems that the main crux of the pro-boarder's argument is more of an anti-Mo stance than a pro-board. It is very difficult to come up with reasons not to change them which don't refer to "we're not in administration" and "they saved the club". Neither of these reasons provide an ounce of promise of what and where the club will generate revenues.


Thirdly, "preservation". To preserve something is to keep it in state and protected. It might have something to do with jam as well. But preservation isn't a sound business plan. It is just keeping the status quo and not rocking the boat.


Could it be that the board and some fans are happy (comfortable) being in a financial plughole and always struggling?

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season tickets were mega cheap that year tho pal. my mate rekkons we will make more money out of selling less season tickets at a bigger price. also if we get off to a good start we are gonna get loads of people paying full whack on the day this is why we need to get off to a good start cus it will bring in loads of cash and we will be back to the crowds we had last year when vale was rockin agen!



Is your mate Mike Lloyd because they are his EXACT thoughts?

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Lots of different reasons... my Dad, feels Chaudry is a crook, so is more anti- investment than pro-board, my Granddad feels that the board saved the club when it was on it's knee's, and constantly laughs at my suggestions of the board fiddling money with " what money, the vale are skint!", he also favours the partial investment route, where the board stays in power, i don't know why....


I do have to say though, both my Dad and Granddad feel that the SEO/B/G groups are trouble.. i'd say that was more from being mis-informed... my granddad likes to cite clubs such as Swansea, Wrexham ect and the rent back scams as reasons not sell... silly i know...


I, as the only member of the family who regularly attend the games am part of the starve em out, and feel that within time the inevitable will happen, i've spoken to a lot of people and the large majority of pro board are either slightly complexed.... (no offence... this is not applicable to everyone..), arm chair supporters, or elderly and stuck in their ways... vulnerable and partial to the spiel spouted by Bratt and co on a daily basis...


SEO, B & G are trouble


I think you & your dad are the one's who are in touble, you CANNOT say things like 'CROOK' if you cannot back up your statement, any more that you can say that the board 'FIDDLING MONEY',

As for Mo Chaudry he has been vetted by the Prince of Wales Trust, the board, the jury is still out at this time, when Mark Sims has done Due Diligences we will have a better idea,

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There's the fact that we've had 8 years of football at Vale Park which in 2003 we were far from taking for granted when we were in Administration. I believe the board to have been somewhat inept and inexperienced with running football clubs but all this about them being crooks and attacks on their personality is just too much. It really disappoints me to read some of the things I read about Bratt.


Those who live by the sword, die by the sword. Mr Bratt and his cohorts have spent the last 8 months in a whispering campaign against Mr Chaudry making all sorts of allegations about his business practices. At no point has any of this stuff been placed before the authorities. Mr Bratt on the other hand, has been found guilty in a court of law of professional negligence in misselling insurance. It really disappoints me that, living in a glass house as he does, he has been throwing stones!


As for Mark Sims, whats his game? He seems to me to be more than a trouble maker than anything, he's yet to do anything productive for Port Vale, he's put no money on the table, yet consistently stirs things up in the media, getting all the Starve 'Em Out crowd even higher on their horses.


This is laughably inaccurate. Mark Sims has put considerably more money into the club in the form of sponsorship than all of the current directors put together over their entire tenure in office. He is a lifelong fan and far from putting no money on the table, he made a written offer to buy 24.9% of the shares only to have it thrown back in his face by Mr Bratt and co.


One of the aims of the B&G movement was to try to educate the fans about the true facts of what was going on at the club. In your case it looks like it has failed miserably in this task. No matter how hard you try though, there's always on poor little soul at the back of the class who doesn't get it!

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season tickets were mega cheap that year tho pal. my mate rekkons we will make more money out of selling less season tickets at a bigger price. also if we get off to a good start we are gonna get loads of people paying full whack on the day this is why we need to get off to a good start cus it will bring in loads of cash and we will be back to the crowds we had last year when vale was rockin agen!


That just about sums up these incompetents .


What an absolutely outstanding piece of forward planning business thinking ---- NOT !


Once again , wing & a prayer planning - so errrmmm what happens if the 'good start ' doesn't happen and 'loads of cash' doesn't come in ?


Oh, I know , let's get a good cup draw eh -- that'll sort it !


and people can't work out why we're in trouble !


Unbelievable !

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=Jacko51;1561211]Those who live by the sword, die by the sword. Mr Bratt and his cohorts have spent the last 8 months in a whispering campaign against Mr Chaudry making all sorts of allegations about his business practices. At no point has any of this stuff been placed before the authorities. Mr Bratt on the other hand, has been found guilty in a court of law of professional negligence in misselling insurance. It really disappoints me that, living in a glass house as he does, he has been throwing stones!


Correct, plenty of people have an opinion on Mo Chaudry , No substance to back up there claims.


This is laughably inaccurate. Mark Sims has put considerably more money into the club in the form of sponsorship than all of the current directors put together over their entire tenure in office. He is a lifelong fan and far from putting no money on the table, he made a written offer to buy 24.9% of the shares only to have it thrown back in his face by Mr Bratt and co.


Correct again, I think anybody who questions Mark Sims loyalty must be living in another world, he has proved himself time and again, and to offer to buy shares this year with all the trouble that has been going on, is loyalty above and beyond the call of duty.


One of the aims of the B&G movement was to try to educate the fans about the true facts of what was going on at the club. In your case it looks like it has failed miserably in this task. No matter how hard you try though, there's always one poor little soul at the back of the class who doesn't get it!


There is always some people who cannot see the wood for the trees,

my answer to them is :- Its no good knocking if there is nobody in.

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