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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/24 in Posts

  1. I think we will if they do it alphabetically...
    2 points
  2. I thought I'd start this thread EXCLUSIVELY for Happy Clappers. As a bona-fide member myself I'd just like to say I'm really looking forward to this coming season. I'm happy to state now that if pushed for a prediction, then I think we will finish somewhere between 24th and 1st. Good luck all connected with the club, the players in particular. I'll feel a bit like RZ at first as I won't be able to identify most of the players but I'm sure I'll get there by Christmas. Up the Vale (Ps, I reckon 3 posts before it's spammed by a moaner [emoji1787]).
    1 point
  3. Now now children, Happy thoughts only please. We need everyone fully behind the team, no matter what we think the future holds, 3 points on Saturday may well go a long way to securing our League One status. If not, it's not the end of the World, as Doris (and we fans) sing...."Que Sera Sera".
    1 point
  4. Exactly, atmosphere with a 5% or less attendance in the Bycars is not something I'm looking forward to. But, it might not happen, as someone said after a generous liquid lunch.
    1 point
  5. Agreed. I remember when we first went down under Bratt and we were going to places like Barnet etc. Home matches against those clubs were flat. League 2 is where established league clubs like us go to die. Our playoff win was different. We believed it was the start of better things. Relegation this time won’t be.
    1 point
  6. More accurate than your guesswork that crowds won’t dip much after relegation. They already have, which goes to prove your guesswork is pretty <ovf censored>.
    1 point
  7. Ah right, so it was complete guesswork then.
    1 point
  8. Have we got best players😂
    1 point
  9. Fans have every right to boo and vent frustration when it calls for it. Like now. The players are (mostly) grown adults who should understand that, and channel their own frustration and ours into something more productive. Being a soft touch because you’re low on confidence and things not going well, perhaps it’s not for you. If it can’t be recognised the fans intentions are actually in the right place, then they should move on. Support comes in many forms. Would it better if supporters just walk away because they are a bit soft? They should be more worried people will not turn up to pay their wages, or react at all. Silence is deafening and all that.
    1 point
  10. I haven't agreed with much you have said over the last few months however I totally agree with you here. I'm as fed up as the next person and I started raising my concerns last April with how let down I was feeling as a fan. I will however never resort to name calling, personal abuse of anyone (including other fans) in order to show my passion for the club. I also don't think lining the players up and giving them a mouthful would help. I think we have to support the players, will that ball into the goal (or at least towards it for the first time in a while) in the hope that we can perform the great escape. At the end of the season lots of questions need to be asked and for me, the sooner DF is out of the club the better. I'm certain we can find someone else to do his job better, they could hardly do it any worse
    1 point
  11. You should probably take a break from this.
    1 point
  12. Do you really think I like what's happened to the team that was challenging for 2nd place, not so long ago? If you think I like that, because I declare myself to be a Happy Clapper is stupidity itself! But I keep looking for the positives because I don't want to turn into one of the toxic gobshites on here, who regularly hurl insults, and patronising and sexist comments towards our owner - forgetting that she is a successful and award-winning businesswoman who has just sold her business (or, one of them?) for more money then the yappies on here will ever see in their lives? I refuse to become one of the idiots who think nothing of defaming a person's character, and slandering them based upon rumour, hearsay, imaginary events and a complete lack of knowledge of events, or evidence of wrongdoing, or any other reason than they take a dislike to that person, or believe that a League 1 club shouldn't have the setup that we have, because Rudgie didn't - all those decades ago! I refuse to lower myself to the name-calling, and personal sleights against people they don't even know, in person. Don't expect me to think it's ever a good thing to boo an individual player - are you really so stupid that you think it might help? Or that such a mean-spirited creature that you don't even care what effect you may have on another human being? Don't tell me I only see the small picture - I actually do see the larger picture...and, for some of you, it's very ugly indeed. UTV KTF VTID and keep Happy Clapping - because the alternative is bloody awful!!!!!
    1 point
  13. That's exactly the problem--there's too many of them and not enough beneath!
    1 point
  14. Read my post again, I’ve not guessed anything. You’re the one guessing crowd numbers and league positions.
    0 points
  15. You should probably mind your own business?
    0 points
  16. You see, you carry on debating with me and you carry on making yourself look stupid. You go and quote me on where I once said I expect or even want Darren Moore to be sacked. Then go and quote me on where I said I want Carol to sell up. You go and waste your night hunting those quotes. You won’t. Because I’ve never said that. I want one man fired and that’s David Flitcroft. And you sound quite angry there. Hit a nerve have I? Thought you were just constantly happy! Clap clap clap. Enjoy your night.
    0 points


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