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grand prix pants

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grand prix pants last won the day on July 5 2023

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  1. Our away kit should be Wedgwood blue as we’ve flirted with a couple of times. No real reason for it to be amber.
  2. Who were our forwards last time in League 2? Wilson, Proctor, Harratt, Edmondson? Have I missed anyone? We’ll need to add a couple of good uns to match that.
  3. Sproson thought Adam Crookes was decent. Nuff said.
  4. I thought it was a really mature performance from Gibbo. He had no need to go bombing on. They needed 1 point and got it pretty comfortably. He spent most of the game telling his teammates to slow it down and stay calm.
  5. Agreed. If we are agitating for an owner who never makes a mistake (or a manager/player for that matter), who never uses an inappropriate word, who does everything perfectly, we’re in for a long wait.
  6. 🤣I mean, fair play to you, but this is the most dramatic change of opinion I’ve ever seen on here! Easily pleased by a pretty bland statement, or what?!
  7. Everything? Does she get any credit for promotion in the first place?
  8. Not that easy is it? Flitcroft is “football people”. The trouble is we continued to listen when it was obviously not working.
  9. What do you want from us exactly? We all know your opinion, it’s been relentlessly shouted at us on every page of every thread. We get it. Message received.
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