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Everything posted by Bimbleabout

  1. Corner came from aziz on that side with Grant
  2. Jones must of been doing something right because we are getting ripped a new one down that side now
  3. Mental 5 minutes there [emoji1787] Gwarrrrn Vale [emoji123]
  4. Oh here we go lol [emoji23] wanna cuddle mate
  5. He's just gutted we look marginally better than we have for months [emoji1787]
  6. Think they've got a player called Binman as well [emoji848]
  7. These commentators ridiculing us. Need to stfu
  8. Ben will Defo get some minutes. Fair play to him he's back way earlier than was reported
  9. Right, Come on Vale [emoji123] smash these, let's get going for the rest of the season. Stop fannying about, stand firm and be Valiant! Let's go Vale [emoji123] 3/1 Vale UTV [emoji123] KTF [emoji120]
  10. Or in our Loftys case 'enthusiastic Ethel' [emoji12]
  11. Obviously not looking forward to tonight. I just hope the gaffer has somehow galvanised them and that we may pinch a point. Think Ben will be on the bench and we should see him at some point in the game. It's a painful UTV [emoji123] from me today lol [emoji23]
  12. You'd like to think so. Suppose we will see tomorrow night [emoji848] not holding me breath tho
  13. Phil do you think he just went with the norm yesterday just to see where we are at with them? Especially as he'd only had 2 days with them. I hope this is the case. Mind you the subs weren't great tbh neither were adjusting in game tactics to counter Cheltenham as they grew and grew into the game. Surely he must of watched Cheltenham on Tuesday to see what they were about and how they set up, play etc. It was pretty much copy and paste from DC yesterday. So all in all yesterday left me pretty confused, manager wise tbf
  14. No real turn around for this for DM to train and organise. Maybe one day training on Monday. So not looking good tbh. Training however isn't needed for commitment and aggression and the willingness to win and carry out the absolute basics required for any football match. Cheltenham aren't are a team of mega paid world beaters. They just have desire, belief and can do the basics with good effect. He needs to motivate and organise and get some fire and belief in them and quick. Or we are doomed.
  15. Cambridge and Burton can be dragged into it. Next few weeks are pivotal
  16. Massive game Saturday especially if Cheltenham hang on to this lead atm which they look like doing. What a game for the new gaffer to get stuck into!!! [emoji12]
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