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Everything posted by Valiiant

  1. Arblaster and Devine were the only reasons we held our own to an extent for a while. That and the team spirit Crosby created which quickly dwindled away.
  2. Lots of Vale fans seem to love utter dross, and failure. It's why Carol is the apple of many members eye here.
  3. No, it doesn't. Carol employed him. Carol stood by him. Carol didn't sack him until she basically wasn't left with any other choice. Even patronizing fans with an open letter in a desperate attempt to save face before that.
  4. If you really think I'm going to think back and tick off which games I've been home and away this season, last season, or over the last 15 years, you're going to be extremely dissapointed. Even if I did, you'll just question it anyway. And round and round we go. Enjoy the rest of your evening, Phillip. Carol out!
  5. So who's going to be the one to say Bolton is a "must win" game?
  6. All hail comedy Carol and her Championship ready ambition.
  7. I was literally answering a question someone has been spamming me with for the last hour, you clown.
  8. Don't you think accusing someone of being a Stoke fan because they have a different opinion than yourself is schoolboy stuff, Phillip? And I've been to more home games this season than I've missed, and that's despite what I think of Carol, and Crosby before that. What's it to yourself little man? I really don't get why you're so eager to know.
  9. Can't see us scoring again if we played until midnight. Weir is crap, we have nobody to create a bit of something from nothing now Chislett is off the pitch.
  10. You do realise that 'Vailiant' was already taken as a username right, peckerdick? You really do seem a little bit dim, Phillip.
  11. That considering the damage she's done with her terrible choices and crusade to inflate her ego with pats on the back within the community, far too many people seem loathed to give her any sort of justified criticism still. It really is bizarre.
  12. Too many people on here with their hands up Carol's arse 24.7 for that to happen.
  13. Thing is, Chislett would clearly be a much better player with better players around him. Him and Garrity are the only ones who deserve so much better.
  14. You're boring, Phillip. Really boring. Good luck with the small penis, you'll need it.
  15. I've given lots of praise when we've actually deserved it. Just because you choose not to see that so it suits your own agenda isn't my problem at all, Phillip.
  16. Are you ever going to suggest that Carol is at least partly responsible for this utter car crash of a season?
  17. Come on, Phillip. Have a word with yourself good man.
  18. Carol out. She's killing the club one diabolical decision at a time.
  19. Get that Open Letter part 2 started, Carol. Can't wait to hear you spin some <ovf censored> for next season.
  20. It's like Loft and Uche are in a personal battle with each other as to who is actually the most useless. They are worse than Danny Glover and Kyle Perry.
  21. Bring back Smurthwaite and Bruno. We were less of a laughing stock than now.
  22. Of course you would be upset, Phillip, as one of her biggest cheerleaders. Don't make me give your nurse a call.
  23. It was never at the forefront of her mind anyway. We're nothing but a play thing for her to boost her own inflated ago. I genuinely have no idea how a lot of people don't see it.
  24. And some people still love her for it all the same. Utter loony clowns.
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