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Dr Delgado

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Posts posted by Dr Delgado

  1. 29 minutes ago, philpvfc said:

    There are some on here and they know who they are.

    I think it’s a really cheap and unfair angle to attack him on. Phil Bowers can sometimes be a little frustrating but there’s no doubting where his heart lies and I welcome his partisan approach to covering Vale. After all, we need all the biased publicity we can get, let’s face it if Vale, Stoke & Crewe all play on a Saturday you can pretty much guarantee Stoke will get 85% of air the time on Praise & Grumble. We get no Sentinel coverage and rarely feature in the tabloids unless it concerns some tenuous Robbie Williams nonsense. Simon Humphrey’s sometimes does the Vale commentary for radio Stoke, he is a Vale fan but a little les emotionally charged. It’s local radio we’re never going to get a John Motson or Alan Green.

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  2. 49 minutes ago, philpvfc said:

    He keeps getting Walters and Dipepa mixed up. Some would say he’s racist. His commentary is shocking, just he’s biased towards the Vale makes him sound better to a Vale fan. Yes, there has been worse than him this season but that does not make him any good.

    Who would say he’s racist?

  3. 17 hours ago, rider1308 said:

    Bring back the good old days - Manager and assistant manager all you need, worked for shanks, Clough, Ferguson etc nuff said !!!!!

    Any 21st century managerial structures you could quote?

  4. 1 minute ago, Hitcher said:

    The only way forwards was for flitcroft to go. The rift with the fans had become untenable, and like others have said they both reluctantly knew it was the only choice.

    As for flitcroft I don't think he is a bad person, and probably in time we will reap the benefits of some of the 'club building' he has done in the background. Football is so results based. Our lack of options at wingback and striker were unforgivable and just mind boggling that we didn't do more to fix it in January.

    Anyway I wouldn't be opposed to another DoF, but would also take the time to get another 'football person' on the board or high up in our structure. There has to be a bit more constructive challenge instead of ultimate trust in one person.

    I think this sums up where we are at. I think Flitcroft has been rather shrewd and cunning with regard to his relationships with the club officials and with Carol in particular. During his tenure it would appear that all personnel who were close to Carol were forced to fall on their sword at some point or other. I think Flitcroft wanted to be the sole conduit between Carol and the rest of the club, Garlick went, Speed went, not to mention two managers. I suspect that according to Flitcroft all failings associated with the club are the fault of everyone else and not him. Fortunately he wasn’t fooling us, I bet if he had the chance he would try to convince Carol to sack the fans.

    He should  definitely have been sacked on February 1st.

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  5. 47 minutes ago, fuzzyvalefan said:

    What about a ramekin of chopped luncheon meat with a toasted breadcrumb, lemon and cottage cheese crust, topped with bacon and beef jerky followed by custard flavoured ice cream with peanut butter swirls drizzled with kumquat coulis?

    You’re picking the team Saturday 

  6. I’m reaching a point whereby I’m thinking that there is no one person in an official capacity at the club whose judgement I trust. (I don’t include John Rudge as his position is honorary)

    I am at a loss as to what Carol and Flitcroft thought would happen when we didn’t get our ESSENTIAL January targets? Did they think we would just magic results? Did they think that the players we had already got would suddenly turn into world beaters?

    I liken Moore’s position to a top chef being presented with bacon, ice cream, custard powder, garlic, cottage cheese, bread crumbs, peanut butter, luncheon meat, beef jerky, a lemon, a tin of Andrews Liver Salts and a kumquat, and then being told to make a proper dinner.

    I would question Moore’s judgement for thinking he could actually do something with what is in effect a strikerless team and a sieve like defence.

    If somebody thinks they can make anything palatable with the ingredients listed then can I suggest you give Mrs Shanahan a call.

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  7. This is one of the most frustrating times for Vale fans. It's not desperate and for a change our league status or very existence is looking secure, nonetheless I feel we have a right to be concerned for football's sake.

    It's frustrating because we have a decent set of players, with the exception of one or two, in fact I can't remember a time when we have had such a promising pack of home grown talent breaking into the 1st team and for that I give Crosby credit. 

    Our style of play is the issue and for that Crosby has to take responsibility as does Flitcroft. I wouldn't mind if it was "tippy tap" until we create an opportunity but it isn't, it's "tippy tap" until we balls up and the opposition score. Our opponents are wise to us and if the average fan in the stand can see this then why can't those who have had a lifetime of employment in football?

    Being a Vale fan, I want us to win, I want Crosby to succeed but when we as fans feel the way we do how do we register our discontent? I'm never one for booing players especially if they are giving their best and again whilst there has been widespread angst regarding the tactics I don't think any player could be really accused of not giving their best, which differs from some Vale dross of the past.

    Are we capable of a change in playing style? I think we are beyond the, "keep the faith" cliche, what we are doing doesn't really work for Vale. Is there anyone on this forum who could convince me that we have got it right or we have to be patient? You hear it frequently said that the manager was sacked because he had lost the dressing room. For me I feel that the current manager could get sacked because he is losing the fanbase. If Crosby is a good coach could he change his style? Is it Flitcroft dictating terms?

    If something doesn't change I have a feeling we could be heading for an undignified period at the club which should be avoided at all costs. I'll be there on boxing day, it's a clean slate for me, I'll be willing us to win, hoping for the best for the manager and player's however I know there's a whole bunch of Vale fans who are just waiting for that first mistake.


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  8. 9 minutes ago, Tony Rougier said:

    OK so on that methodology, if Pope can score against Man City then he should be playing in the Premier League? Do you really think North West counties was the highest level he could get? Regardless of what you say, he was treated badly last season and never got a run in the team. Then he did his shoulder and was given 60 minutes in the last match in a diabolical team. He deserved another contract even if only for 12 months on reduced wages. We will / are already missing him.

    Brown - do you not think it was risky releasing a safe pair of hands to be replaced by a 30 year old Brazilian wildcard from non league (already looks very dodgy) and a youngster? He was told he would be getting a new contract but had the rug pulled from under him as well.

    Poor treatment of 2 players who had served us very well. If Clarke gets us promotion or even top 7, then please drag this post up at the end of the season and tell me I told you so. I really don't see that happening though, do you?

    The 30 year old Brazilian wild card has let in a disgraceful 2 goals in 4 league games. Scott Brown's better days were behind him, have a look at the amount of goals he let in from distance. We only miss a young, fit, performing Pope in the same way we miss a young fit Marc Richards or a young fit Darren Beckford. Unfortunately Tom Pope was a victim of himself, Askey clearly had a downer on him but Tom wasn't clever enough to handle it. It's a sad fact that "when the north wind blew"  Tom went to the pub. Now let's say for example that the pub he went to was in Southport or Kidderminster, then the news of his 5 or 6 pint consumption would unlikely reach the managers ear but the pub was in Stoke on Trent. Sadly for Tom if he'd had two pints you can guarantee some local snitch wold report it as 6 pints and as many Benson & Hedges to boot. Tom must know this. I really, really want to remember the good that Tom has done for the club, both on and off the pitch but the failure of some fans to let go and move on is nauseating. 

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  9. 18 hours ago, Wrex said:

    So a fan podcast is supposed to turn down the chance to talk to a club legend? It's not like Pope was drunk or something. He's honestly telling the truth as he sees it.

    What are they supposed to do? Say "excuse me we will not entertain criticism of the current/former manager or director of football on this podcast, please keep your opinions to yourself Tom"?

    People complain that modern footballers are robots that come out with clichés rather than speak the honest truth or say anything interesting or controversial. People bemoan that we don't see 'characters' in modern football. Well here's Pope, speaking his mind. I'm all for it. I think he makes himself seem silly at times but it was a fascinating listen either way. Thank you to the lads for putting this episode together.

    Not only is Tom Pope a club legend he is also supposed to be a Vale fan and as such should support the club.  To use a cliche, he has washed his dirty linen in public. I just know there is no way anyone at the club will respond to this in any official capacity. Pope has become the Prince Harry of Burslem. The podcast has given him free reign to say what he wants, which is fair enough but he was never challenged on some issues, particularly in relation to his U turn on Flitcroft. Nobody will have fallen off their chair upon listening to what he had to say, we know he is bitter but sadly he now wants us to fail. Tom is waiting in the wings, in order to have a cheap, "I told you so" at some point in the future. I think Clarke should take a leaf out of the Queen's book and release the statement "recollections may vary".

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  10. I really do think that the Ale and the Vale podcast crew need to take a hard look at what they have produced here. I doubt whether any Stoke or Crewe fan could have undermined the current regime as much as Tom Pope has done and they have provided the platform for him to do it. Why would Darrell Clarke play an unfit Tom Pope who was out of contract and worth nothing to the club in terms of a sell on, over Theo Robinson who he had probably earmarked as surplus but had a year on his contract? I suggest a few on here should now become Congleton Town fans and follow Tom wherever he goes, even into Scrimmies. I personally have nothing but disdain for his undignified vitriol. Are we Vale fans or what? 

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  11. Having listened to the Tom Pope podcast, my curiosity has prompted me to google, "people who refer to themselves in the 3rd person". I now know he is an illeist and falls in good company with Dwayne"The Rock" Johnson, Pele and Donald J Trump. UTV

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